
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum feugiat dictum erat at dapibus. Vestibulum fermentum, tellus ut consequat lacinia, leo felis gravida libero, nec elementum dui nisi a nibh.

  • Event Name

    Annual Get Together

    Event Organized On: 8th August 2015

    Organized Venue: Feltham, London

    Dhading Nuwakot Samaj UK organised the annual Bhet Ghat at Feltham Community College. A huge presence of Gaules made the day and some faboulus performances from our own artists were the highlight of the day.

    Pictures Coming Soon...

  • Event Name

    Annual Get Together

    Event Organized On: 4th August 2012

    Organized Venue: Feltham, London

    Dhading Nuwakot Samaj UK organised the annual Bhet Ghat at Feltham Community College. Hope everyone had a great time and we would like to thank you all for making this event a grand success.

    Click Here For Pictures

  • Event Name

    Annual Get Together

    Event Organized On: 6th August 2011

    Organized Venue: Hounslow, London

    Dhading Nuwakot Samaj UK organised the annual Bhet Ghat at Bath Road, Hounslow. Hope everyone had a great time and we would like to thank you all for making this event a grand success.

    Click Here For Pictures